Research articles, notes and reviews on topics relating to Population Studies, particularly Technical Demography will be considered for publication in the Journal. Articles must be in English.
Each article should be accompanied by a certificate to the effect that the work reported in the article is the bonafide original work of the author (s) and that the contents of the articles as such or in any modified form have not been published or submitted elsewhere.
The article should be sent to the Editor preferably by mail email to the address Articles will be reviewed initially by the editorial board and when found suitable prima facie, it will be sent to two referees for peer review. Editors reserve the right to effect language corrections and condense the text, if found necessary. Copy right of the article published in the journal will rest with the publishers.
All copies of the articles should be in double space on standard white paper of A4 with a Margin of 11/4" on all sides.
The author's name, position now held and institutional affiliation should be given on a separate cover page with email id and mobile number.
These details should not be typed on any page of the article. This is to maintain anonymity while sending the article to the referees.
An Abstract of 'about 100 words should be provided immediately after the title of the article. Each table should be typed on a separate page and should be numbered independently. Insert location note as "Table 1 here" at the appropriate place within the text. Each graph, figure and/or diagram should be given on a separate sheet which should be numbered independently from the table in the text and the numbering should be in Arabic numerals.
Do not use notational abbreviations like "%, &" in the text.
Mathematical notations when used should be described wherever necessary. Reference type of citation is to be used. Specify all references by the last name of the author (s) and year of publication, when in doubt, refer to previous issues of Janasamkhya.
Foot-notes should be numbered sequentially and given separately from the text. Acknowledgements, if any should be given at the end of the text. Unpublished manuscript will not be returned unless specifically requested.